• Organiza: Médicos del Mundo
  • Fecha límite de presentación de candidaturas: 31/12/2018
  • Duración del contrato: 06/05/2019 - 31/07/2019
  • Tipo de contrato: Voluntariado
  • Dónde: Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)


Médicos del Mundo has been present in Burkina Faso since 2002, implementing projects to improve sexual and reproductive health and reduce maternal and infant mortality, particularly linked to malnutrition. Currently, we have two major projects that support the health districts of Dori, Djibo, and Sebba in the Sahel region, to achieve an improvement in the care of children with severe acute malnutrition and promote sexual and reproductive health in the communities. – From February to December 2018 we worked in humanitarian action in partnership with the Belgian Red Cross to alleviate acute malnutrition in the health districts of Dori and Djibo (Sahel region), serving a direct population of 358,234 children under 5 years of age (51 % girls). – In consortium with Humanité et Inclusion, Veterinarians Without Borders Belgium and the Spanish Red Cross from June 2017 to February 2020 we will work on a development cooperation project to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable populations in food and nutrition insecurity in the provinces from Yagha, Sahel region, for a population of 25,297 children between 0-5 years old. We provide training in municipalities and management committees aimed at community health agents to improve their involvement in the health of their community. Our objective is to improve the prevention, the quality of medical care, especially at the ambulatory level and in hospital recovery centers, reinforcing the Burkina health system. We seek to fulfill the right to sexual and reproductive health, especially of young people, through sexual education, improvement of health services, family planning in the face of the prevention of premature pregnancies, gender violence, of early, child and forced marriages of female genital mutilation and excision.


The objective of the volunteer is to strengthen the skills of the support team and all staff by:
Administering and ensuring the operation and operation of one or more hardware or software elements (tools, networks, databases, messaging, …) at the group level.
– Administer and operate the server
– Monitor and update the configuration and architecture of information systems according to changes
– Establish the technical procedures for the operation, use and safety of IT equipment
– Analyze the performance of the information system and recommend measures to improve quality, safety, productivity
– Identify and diagnose malfunctions, incidents, or nonconformities. Implement corrective measures
– Select or install computer equipment (software, hardware, …)
– Advise and assist development teams, computer production or users in the choice and implementation of technical solutions
– Manage, install and maintain computer equipment (computer stations, peripherals, …)
– Manage the wiring
– Help with software management, installation and maintenance
– Assist and provide technical support (hardware and software) to users
– Guiding the user to resolve malfunctions or take control of the system remotely
– Present IT resources to users

Establishing decentralized systems
– Manage backups on applications, internal server and sharepoint.
– Manage the configuration of the applications

Ensuring consistency, accessibility and security of information.
– Define and track access rights according to the characteristics of users or services
– Follow and update technical, economic, regulatory, …
– Raise awareness of users about IT security and rules of good practice
– Support the activity of the users intervening on the network
– Manage IT security (access authorization, protection …)
– Develop applications and make them easy to use
– Set up and apply the information security instructions and operating instructions
– Set up remote work support tools

Shortlisting and interviews are expected to take place on a rolling basis (January-February 2019) with the Deployment commencing in May 2019.
Please note that only completed applications that are submitted through http://www.mdm-euaidvolunteers.org/join-euav/ will be considered.
Applications should include:
• Completed EUAV application form (in French)
• CV in Europass format (in French)
• Completed EUAV Self Assessment Questionnaire (in French)
• Motivation Letter (in French)

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