• Organiza: Médicos del Mundo
  • Fecha límite de presentación de candidaturas: 10/03/2019
  • Dónde: Ucrania

Responsible for the management of the Medical Health Care activities and supervision of the MDM programs ensuring the quality of the services delivered by MDM medical teams.

The successful candidate will be based 25% Kiev – 75% in Severodonetsk (Luhansk region, GCA). The location within MdM bases might change according to the mission needs assessment in Donetsk region with a possible additional location in Donetsk region GCA.

The successful candidate will be part of the mission coordination team and will report to the General Coordinator, he/she will have direct technical link with Medical Coordinator in HQs Madrid.

1.Program Management
• To participate to the development of the general strategy on MdM activities with the Coordination team
• To ensure that different components of the program are consistent and in link with medical needs and standards.
• To develop and implement evaluation systems, supervise and monitor data collection processes, and analyse the medical data on a regular basis and set up corrective measures in case of need in coordination with the General Coordinator
• To validate and implement medical activities (training of doctors, training on health education, capacity building on reporting, pharmacy management etc…)

2. Technical Support and coaching of medical management staff
• To participate to the recruitment of all medical local staff for the activities and the supported health facilities. and programs.
• To develop, implement and monitor training of the MdM medical staff and partners and/or to provide technical support to partner organizations in development of curriculum of trainings.
• To support local partners’ medical team on technical and organizational matters upon identified needs
• To technically support MdM medical team
• To support MdM coordination for the elaboration of the Team Health Guidelines and procedures including identification of reference health facilities, medical evacuation plans and medical files management.
• To support the training of the national staff on of the health-related issued linked with the implementation of health, MHPSS and GBV activities (in collaboration with the MHPSS Coordinator)
• To support finance department and Field Coordinators on the elaboration and follow-up of the programme’s budget
• To support with medical technical inputs for the opening of new programs, including new activities in Donetsk Region and Sexual Reproductive Health program on Lugansk and Donetsk Oblast
• To ensure relevance of the medical activities in Non-Government Controlled Areas.
• To support the health team with methodology on health needs assessment and on monitoring of health activities.
• To support development of MdM country advocacy strategy with technical advises on Health to ensure relevance of health messages on national & international levels and the Health reform currently implemented in Ukraine.
• To act as focal point for Health activities within a Consortium of international and national NGOs.
• To identify and assess capacity building needs for the medical staff in the area and specifically for MdM staff
• To carry out a competence/skills assessment of the medical staff, to create capacity building plans on health, to design and to implement a training curriculum, with coaching and monitoring of the skills acquisition process to the health staff identified as key management positions

3. Coordination and representation
• To participate in different medical meetings and health clusters
• To ensure coordination with health stakeholders and medical actors
• To support the General Coordinator/coordination team in evaluation of needs and of requests of partners

4. Management of medical stock and logistic chain for medical purchase
• To ensure medical activities have needed equipment, material & medications to function
• To support the medical purchase process in terms of quality check up.
• To ensure quality technical analysis of the medical equipment, material & medications is carried out during the procurement process
• To supervise the pharmacy activities in terms of quality of storage conditions in collaboration with Logistics department and management (consumptions, orders & inventory)

5. Reporting
• Provide regular reporting on health, activities to line manager upon solicitation (coordination meeting, workshop meeting, etc.)
• Contribute to donor reports and proposals, monthly situation report (SITREP), as well as the Medical Quarterly Reports, by providing relevant data, analysis, and technical inputs related to health activities (consolidation of information from mobile teams and partners)
• Provide the desk officer with a mission report and/or handover document at the end of contract;

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