Development of a Resilient Development Learning Package
The purpose of this assignment it to develop and pilot a set of flexible resources/materials to support Oxfam country teams, partners and Resilience Advisers already working on resilient development[1] to reflect on, learn from, and then adapt their current programs so they better contribute to resilient development. These resources will be used as a basis to facilitate workshops with the aim to improve program quality through reflective learning and programme adaptation. This resource-package will be based on principles of iterative reflective learning, good-practice, peer-learning, skill development and include materials to support the understanding of resilient development, its different components and reflections on how to improve programming.
Since the development of Oxfam’s Framework and Guidance for Resilient Development (OIFRD), in 2016, lots of work has been done to support its integration into existing and new programs and projects globally. Subsequent companion guides on the practical application of the Framework, (how to support gender justice in resilience and most recently, how to develop MEAL systems for resilience), tools, and knowledge sharing digital platforms are contributing to the quality of Oxfam’s resilient development programming.
Oxfam Australia has facilitated reflection workshops with country teams and partners in Timor Leste, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh with the aim to strengthen the capacity of teams to understand and use the Oxfam Framework for Resilient Development, reflect on how existing programs build resilience, and build pathways to adapt and improve programs. A set of materials is needed to support similar processes in other countries.
- To develop a set of flexible resources/materials to be used in workshops with the aim to reflect on, learn from, and adapt current programs so they better contribute to resilient development.
- To pilot the resource package within an in-country workshop (in collaboration with Oxfam Resilience Advisers) and adapt and finalise the package accordingly.
A consultant will be hired to develop a set of flexible resources/materials to be used by staff, partners and advisers. The consultant will work with a small team of Oxfam staff and will arrange Skype interviews and other group processes as needed with Oxfam.
Approach: The primary purpose for these materials is for them to be used in person as part of country-level workshops. The package will address knowledge and skills needed for resilient development programming. It will use embodied and cognitive learning approaches, should be as interactive as possible (role-playing, drama, videos, etc.), and peer-driven. Theory should be illustrated with practical examples from individual country contexts. It should include activities to enable staff to apply theory to their context and programs. Individual and group reflective learning – a critical skill for resilient development programming – should be integrated throughout. It should contain guidance on setting up peer learning to sustain learning and skills development.
A participatory approach should be employed, avoiding long theoretical sessions but using skill-based training methodology. The materials will be based on a participatory and experiential learning methodology.
At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to develop an infographic/ case study capturing learning from the training applied to their program/project.
Target: Oxfam and partner staff working in country programs, in collaboration with Resilience Advisers.
Modules: The package will be made of different modules, which will be built on existing Oxfam materials[2] to ensure continuity and avoid duplication. The package will be flexible as to be tailored to different country needs (quick and longer versions, different thematic sessions).
The modules will include:
- Introduction to resilient development: Why we need resilient development and an overview of key principles and components.
- Context analysis: Different ways to conduct context analyses that address humanitarian, gender and adaptive challenges.
- Building absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities: Building understanding that the outcomes of resilient development pathways are resilience capacities, and what these look like in practice.
- Enhancing resilience through social change processes[3]: Building understanding of the social change processes and how to develop pathways to resilient development over time.
- Developing multi-stakeholder processes: Building an understanding of why working with others is needed to build resilient development and the different processes that can support working with others to build resilience
- Gender justice and resilience: Building an understanding of what it really means to enable gender justice and empowerment in resilience programs.
- Iterative learning and adaptive management: Using MEAL to develop evidence and support reflective learning (double loop learning) to enhance our work on resilient development.
While a full list of deliverables will be decided in consultation with the consultant and the Oxfam Advisory Group, they are likely to include:
- Consultancy inception report
- Workshop curriculum (outline, syllabus and options for session plans)
- Lay-out options for the different modules
- Materials for the different modules
- List of key resources for each module
- One page flyer of the package (objectives, etc.)
The work will commence in October 2018 and is expected to be finished before the end of 31 March 2019.
The indicative number of days for this assignment is 32 – 36 days and the budget is up to $30,000 (including travel costs for the pilot in one country).
The consultancy will be co-managed by Charlotte Sterrett (Climate Change Program Advisor, Oxfam Australia) and Valerie Minne, Resilience Knowledge Hub Coordinator) in consultation with a small Advisory Group.
- Payment will be on submission of an suitable invoice on delivery against milestones
- Quotes and/or tenders should be inclusive of all costs in relation to travel, meals, accommodation and other expenses related to the assignment (Oxfam will cover country training costs)
- Consultants must sign and abide by Oxfam’s Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct
- All equipment and materials, including office accommodation, required for the assignment are to be provided by the contractor except where otherwise indicated in the Terms or Reference above
- Oxfam may request written evidence of necessary coverage in relation to insurance (including workers’ compensation), superannuation and taxation prior to commencement of the assignment.
- Technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of resilience, gender justice (including women’s economic empowerment), and the Oxfam Resilient development framework
- Strong English written and verbal communications skills
- Experience as a trainer and/or a facilitator in workshops
- Knowledge and field experience in resilience programming in humanitarian and long-term development work
- Previous experience in similar assignments; knowledge and experience in training manual development through testing and incorporating inputs from key stakeholders
- Strong presentation, facilitation, training management and report writing skills including the ability to present complex issues clearly and concisely to a broad range of audiences
- Experience of, understanding of working across organisational and project boundaries
- Communication and influencing skills
- Identification with and commitment to the mission and values of Oxfam.
To apply for this assignment please send in one proposal that includes:
- Consultant(s) profile and response to the selection criteria (max. 3 pages)
- Proposed approach and methodology; timeline and budget (max. 3 pages)
- V(s) of consultant(s) including at least three professional referees (max. 4 pages per consultant)
- Links to up to three samples of similar work.
Applications must be received no later than 1700h (AEST) on Friday 29 September and can be sent to Charlotte Sterrett
Only successful applicants will be contacted for an interview.
[1] Primarily those working on climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable livelihoods.
[2] Materials include:
- The Future is a Choice: The Oxfam Framework and Guidance for Resilient Development;
- Resilient development practical Guide
- Absorb, Adapt, Transform: Resilience capacities
- Gender Justice in Resilience: Enabling the full performance of the system;
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Resilience – A companion guide
[3]There are six social change processes: Gender justice and empowerment, Accountable governing, Securing and enhancing livelihoods, Learning and Innovation, Forward and flexible planning, and Informing.
To apply for this assignment please send in one proposal that includes:
- Consultant(s) profile and response to the selection criteria (max. 3 pages)
- Proposed approach and methodology; timeline and budget (max. 3 pages)
- C.V(s) of consultant(s) including at least three professional referees (max. 4 pages per consultant)
- Links to up to three samples of similar work.
Applications must be received no later than 1700h (AEST) on Friday 29 September and can be sent to Charlotte Sterrett
Only successful applicants will be contacted for an interview.
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