• Organiza:

    Alianza por la Solidaridad - Action Aid Italia

  • Fecha límite de presentación de candidaturas: 08/05/2018
  • Duración del contrato: 3 weeks/15 working days
  • Tipo de contrato: Fixed-term
  • Dónde: Home-working

ActionAid Italia and Alianza por la Solidaridad (Spain) are considering the possibility of extending their area of operation within the geographical area of the Sahel (west and north Africa).

This consortium wishes to evaluate the feasibility of a medium-long term commitment in the targeted area, with a special focus on migration in response to the  flow of migrants trying to reach the European continent through this region.



The consortium is looking to engage a Consultant to aide in the development of inputs to an intervention strategy. The Consultant will support the consortium to prioritize, by country and funding source, the feasibility of establishing program activities related to migration. The countries to be included are: Nigeria; The Gambia; Niger; Burkina Faso; Libya; and Mali.

The Consultant is to remotely undertake desk-based research to develop a country-by-country prioritization considering:

  1. The migration context across the six listed countries.
  2. Funding opportunities concerning migration related issues in the area by country.
  3. Relevance of funding opportunities against ActionAid’s[1] strategic interest areas by country.


Main tasks

  1. In order to frame the migration context across the six listed countries the Consultant is required to research and report on:
  • Migration phenomenon and relevant policies and strategies at the global, regional and national level.
  • Regions/areas with high population displacements within countries.
  • Key security considerations between and within countries.
  • Presence of humanitarian corridors.
  • Conflict management and protection in countries of origin.
  • Awareness and information campaigns on conscious migration in in countries of origin.


Funding opportunities concerning migration related issues in the area by country;

  • Conduct a census of funding opportunities by location and thematic area concerning migration within the six listed countries in the Sahel area.
  • Identify the main financing arrangements and procedures for accessing the funding with special focus on access and implementation of EU Trust Funds and international pool funds and forecasted call for proposals.
  • Map the other actors already working in the relevant geographic areas and sectors (United Nations, Governmental Cooperation Agencies, EU, INGOs, major local NGOs).


  1. Relevance of funding opportunities against ActionAid’s strategic interest areas by country;

Prioritize each funding opportunity identified according to their relevance to;

  • Creation of economic alternatives with a specific focus on: youth; livelihoods; and climate justice.
  • Needs relating to humanitarian corridors.
  • Additional criteria developed in discussion with ActionAid during the Consultancy.



  1. Narrative report drawing together the outputs of the main tasks focusing on a prioritization of possible areas of intervention and specific funding opportunities ActionAid maybe able to access. The narrative report and annexes should also include:
    • Links to key strategic, policy and programmatic documents.
    • Procedures for granting (call for proposal, direct funding, direct implementation, budget support, funding through intermediary agencies etc.).
    • Type and names of organization working in targeted geographic/thematic areas (local NGOs and INGOs) and contacts and focal person(s) for these organisations.
  2. A matrix summarizing the key findings by country.
  3. A presentation on the findings at the time of receiving the finalised report (online meeting).


Reporting line and communications

The Consultant will report to the Head of the International Fundraising Office and work closely with the staff responsible for developing new areas of intervention for ActionAid.

It is expected that the consultancy will be home-based with no requirement for travel. Briefing meetings at the start of the consultancy and presentation of results by the consultant are to be conducted online.



The consultancy should start as soon as possible and will last a proposed 3 weeks / 15 working days. Note, there may be a possibility of a second component of the consultancy to be evaluated which would comprise a field visit to some/all of the countries listed.


Requirements of the Consultant

  • Minimum 10 years of non-profit experience with in-depth knowledge of international donors;
  • Knowledge and experience of the geographical and thematic areas of interest;
  • Excellent knowledge of English, written and oral;
  • Capacity to analyse, collect and summarise data and information.

Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to respect deadlines;


Please consult http://www.actionaid.org/ for country-specific information

Interested parties are invited to submit the following information in Microsoft Word or pdf format to jsilinski@aporsolidaridad.org at Alianza por la Solidaridad before 17:00 (GMT +1hrs), 08th May 2018:

• CV
• Brief workplan and proposed methodology including key sources of information to be drawn upon (maximum 1-2 pages)
• Day rate and total price proposed for this Consultancy.
• Two references that may be contacted.
• An example of previous written works of similar type

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