We are transparent

«One of the hallmarks of democracy is transparency. Clarity of public accounts, sound management of funds, and accountability must all be firmly guaranteed in any democracy.»



We would especially like to highlight some of the tools that La Coordinadora offers to ensure the transparency and good governance of its member entities and behaviour consistent with the Code of Conduct alike.


sello transparencia

Transparency and Good Governance Tool

The Transparency and Good Governance Tool is a pioneering mechanism for improvement and self-regulation in the sector and its use has been mandatory for all members and platforms as of 2012.

Imagen Código de Conducta

Code of Conduct

Given the plurality of organisations involved, compliance with the Code of Conduct, which regulates internal and external behaviour; is mandatory for the member organisations of La Coordinadora’s.

Guide to the Practical Application of the Code of Conduct

This is a guide to the practical application of the Code of Conduct on communication matters. A guide that, by sharing and showcasing practical examples, provides recommendations and advice on how NGDOs should communicate.

NGDO Sector Report

An interactive tool that collects thousands of data points on the work of our NGDOs. Its maps, testimonies, and open data make it a perfect example of transparency, accountability and responsible management of public and private funds.



Because we are civil society organisations that receive public and private funding – both institutional and personal –, transparency and accountability are always present in the way we work. Moreover, in line with our values, good governance plays a fundamental role in our actions.

To get to know us better, please download our Statutes and Rules of Procedure.

In accordance with Law 19/2013 on transparency, access to public information and good governance, we present the information subject to transparency obligations in a «clear, structured and understandable manner.» Information that is «available to people with disabilities (…) in appropriate formats, to ensure they are accessible and understandable, in accordance with the principle of universal accessibility and design for all.»


Our accounts are audited by external firms and can be found here. Our work plans, activity reports and accounts are public as well and can be viewed here.


Our organisations have their own self-regulatory mechanisms that go beyond the provisions of the legislation that affects us. They comply with our Code of Conduct and our organisations are subject to the Transparency and Good Governance Tool.

Más info

Actualmente La Coordinadora, ubicada en su sede y única oficina en Madrid (calle de la Reina, 17, 3ª planta, 28004), está formada por 75 ONG de Desarrollo, 5 entidades asociadas y  las 17 coordinadoras autonómicas de ONGD; en total, más de 550 organizaciones.

Cuenta con un equipo técnico y, ocasionalmente, con personas en prácticas o voluntarias que apoyan el trabajo que realizamos.

La Coordinadora se constituye como asociación en 1986, es declarada de utilidad pública desde 1999 y  está registrada en la AECID desde el 20 de enero del año 2000.


¿Necesitas más información? No dudes en ponerte en contacto para cualquier duda o consulta.